AKTS/ASKT Flue Dust Catcher Cyclones/Separator Flue Dust Catchers – General Features
Fly Ash Trap Cyclones are used for trapping coarse grained
particles in dedusting plants Cyclones are not suitable for operation with fine grained dusts because of their structure and operational principle.
Also cyclones serve as fi rst stage dust trap before filters in systems where dust load is high and reduces dust load forfilter system. So that it is possible to use fi lter unit more effi ciently.
Flue gases which are generated after fi ring in solid fuel and particularly coal fi ring boilers is very fouled depending on sulfur amount in coal. Although this ash is reduced by constructive pre-cautions which are taken inside boiler, they are partially drifted byflue gases and they are thrown as fl y ash behind boiler after being
drifted by fl ue gases.
Fly ash traps which are used for preventing pollution of environment because of fly ashes are in multicyclone type and they have small cyclones in inner parts. Particles which are ettled in cyclones by centrifugal effect are accumulated within bunkers and