ALFA Coal Boilers Archives - Hilal Electric LTD


They have design and construction appropriate for burning with high effi ciency of low calorie lignite quarried in this country and solid fuels having high energy with their developed special burning chamber and grid design.
Burning air control can be achieved by the fan couple made in the boiler cap and thermostat control.
Burning effi ciency values in AYSK type hot water heating boilers is achieved
to be 86% and higher.
Their usage and maintenance is easy and this enables easy intervention to the boiler as the system works.

They are sensitive to the environment and have low emission values.
The mirrors are cut in special angles and condensation of thermic tensions that are generated on them is prevented.
The boiler’s life time is extended by the three-transitive design.
Thanks to their ergonomic design, they take a small space.

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They have the design and manufacture appropriate for burning low calorie lignite and solid fuels that have high energy and quarried in this country with high effi ciency with their developed special burning chamber and grid design.
Their cylindrical type structure and special design enables the fl uid to circulate within the boiler homogenously and enables transfer of the energy within the fuel to the fl uid in high effi ciency.

Heat effi ciency of ASSK type heating boilers is 86% and hi-gher.
They react to demands rapidly with their low water volume and exceed the condensation limit that is effective for all boilers in a short time and step in rapidly.
ASSK type heating boilers have fl are and smoke pipes and the boiler pipes are assembled on the mirrors by welding.
The boilers’ behavior under pressure is secured with their symmetric cylindrical construction and pressure resistance of the boiler is improved relatively.
Thermic tensions that occur during welding are distributed to the entire boiler surface homogenously with the boiler sheets that

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AKTS/ASKT Flue Dust Catcher Cyclones/Separator Flue Dust Catchers – General Features

Fly Ash Trap Cyclones are used for trapping coarse grained
particles in dedusting plants Cyclones are not suitable for operation with fine grained dusts because of their structure and operational principle.

Also cyclones serve as fi rst stage dust trap before filters in systems where dust load is high and reduces dust load forfilter system. So that it is possible to use fi lter unit more effi ciently.
Flue gases which are generated after fi ring in solid fuel and particularly coal fi ring boilers is very fouled depending on sulfur amount in coal. Although this ash is reduced by constructive pre-cautions which are taken inside boiler, they are partially drifted byflue gases and they are thrown as fl y ash behind boiler after being
drifted by fl ue gases.

Fly ash traps which are used for preventing pollution of environment because of fly ashes are in multicyclone type and they have small cyclones in inner parts. Particles which are ettled in cyclones by centrifugal effect are accumulated within bunkers and

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AKKD Solid Fuel Fan Three Transitive Heating Boilers – General Features
They have a full automatic burning control system.
With fi re tube, Bafi l technology and connected special design, easier removal of smoke gases, decreasing of cinder amount and equal heat transfer in all surfaces within the boiler is achieved.
Burning air control is made by the digital control unit by enabling velocity and debit control.
The digital thermostat maintains the system temperature at the adjusted range at the desired temperature.
The design complies with TSE EN 303-5 standard and has a welded construction according to the European standard EN norm.

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Akk Solid Fuel Fan Heating Boilers – General Features
They have design and manufacture appropriate to burn low calorie lignite coal with its developed special burning chamber and grid design.
They work very quietly and effi ciently owing to its high design and manufacturing technology.
They transmit burning air that they take from the pressure air fan to the burning room and accomplish high effi ciency burning.
With the water pocket technology, they save 3% from energy losses with the burning room and grid life time and boiler effi ciency is improved 3%.
Heat effi ciency is 86% and higher in full automatic AKK type hot water boilers that are designed according to pressure burning principle.

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AKB Liquid-Gas Fuel Back Pressure Heating Boiler – General Features
The brilliant fl are, which is generated in the muffl e room where two transitive intensive burning occurs, is carried to the water from the burning cell by the “radiation heat transfer” means.
Gas-diverting turbuators diminish the velocity of smoke and gases within the fl are pipes and enables the heat transfer to be kept in a maximum level in this region.
Resistance of the cylindrical inner design is improved by high capacity curled furnace construction and it has gained an aesthetic and modern look with its prismatic outer appearance.
Enable usage ease in narrow areas owing to their proper dimensions.

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